Our School
Trillium Elementary School, which opened in 1994, is located in the east end of the City of Ottawa (Orleans). Our name, Trillium, was chosen by the parents and students of our founding classes. Tonnerre or Thunder is the school’s dragon mascot and he sports the Trillium colours of teal, purple, and white. “Be proud” is our motto. Trillium stands for excellence, and equity in education. In partnership with our community, our mission is to enable our students to become fulfilled and productive citizens. To prepare for the twenty‐first century, our students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that will allow them to adapt to changing technologies; to work independently and to think critically; and to effectively manage resources.
Our Students
Trillium has an enrollment of just under 500 students in the following programs:
- English program
- Early French Immersion
- Middle French Immersion
- General Learning program
While English is the mother tongue of most of our students, we enjoy the growing persity of cultures and languages spoken by our students. Our students speak languages including Arabic, French, Chinese, Urdu, and Swedish in addition to English. Our Middle French Immersion students in grades 4 to 8 attend our school from other east end schools. Most of our graduating grade 8 students continue their education at Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Ottawa Technical Secondary School, or Cairine Wilson Secondary School.
Trillium has caring, dedicated, and enthusiastic staff including Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Office Staff, and Special Education Educational Assistants. We also have a team of Custodial Staff. Our staff is a dynamic mix of both relatively new and highly experienced teachers. Staff offer our students the chance of interacting with all kinds of individuals who bring many different experiences, backgrounds, and interests to Trillium. Most have earned qualifications beyond their basic certificates.
The staff is organized into four divisions with each division being led by team leaders. As a professional learning community, the staff meets as a whole to support school initiatives, problem‐solve and participate in professional development opportunities. The staff believe in an educational partnership with parents and look forward to offering the students programs that emphasize academic excellence and personal growth.
Our Community
Trillium is located in the residential community of east Fallingbrook, which is part of the larger Orleans community. The population characteristics of the area are perse and there is a bilingual atmosphere. The school is located approximately 25 kilometers from the centre of Ottawa. A large soccer field adjacent to the south end of the school was completed in 1997 and is used for sports.
There is an on‐site day care centre at Trillium, which is managed independently of the school. Our volunteers play a significant role and work closely with staff to support activities such as: classroom help, maintenance of gardens, book fairs, sporting events, field trips, fundraising, hot lunches, library enhancements, as well as band and choir activities. Our dedicated School Council members work in partnership with the school administration to support our School Improvement Plan. Meetings are held the monthly. Please better familiarize yourself with School Council Events and related school activities, by accessing the School Council website.
Mission Statement
The Trillium Elementary school community is comprised of students, staff and parents. In partnership with parents and staff we promote a positive and supportive school environment which nurtures the self‐esteem and self‐discipline of all. We believe it is the right of all individuals in our school to be respected and valued by others.
Facilities and Resources
Our modern facilities include school‐wide air conditioning, networked computers in every classroom, three Smart Boards, two I‐Rovers, and a computer lab. We have wireless Internet capability throughout the school. We also are fortunate to have a double gymnasium, a modern library centre, and both literacy and math manipulative rooms.
The school is completely accessible to the physically handicapped. We have an elevator. We also have an activity room which lends itself to a number of worthwhile activities such as daily physical activity, hot lunches, reading buddies, drama presentations, Scientists in the School activities, choir rehearsals and mini assemblies etc. Nearby is the Ray Friel Centre where many after‐four and weekend activities are held.
Programs and Services:
Academic Programs
Trillium is a triple‐track school, offering three distinct programs. We have the English program with 200 minutes of Core French per week; Early French Immersion from Grades 1 to 8; and Middle French Immersion in Grades 4 to 8. Our Kindergarten is a full day program where students receive equal instruction in both English and French. Exceptional students are accommodated in a variety of ways. We are also privileged to have two system GLP (General Learning program) classes in our school.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Trillium has a Special Education Multidisciplinary Team comprised of teaching staff, Learning Support Teacher (LST), Learning Resource Teachers (LRT), Educational Assistants, a Social Worker, and School Administration. As well, it enjoys the support of central board staff comprised of psychologists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, and social workers. The aforementioned teams work closely with staff and parents to identify the needs of our students and plan for success for all of our students. We have adopted an inclusive model for Special Education, where all students take part in the explicit instruction and are supported based on their needs in the larger group setting. Additionally we have a Learning Support Program with an extensive referral system.
Clubs and Activities
Students at all grade levels participate in a wide range of clubs and activities in the areas of sports, environmental issues, music and drama. Leadership opportunities for the students include an active intermediate student council, the yearbook committee, and the school‐wide Environmental Action Representatives (EARS). The EARS group has won two major environmental awards for their efforts; the Jenny Teague Award and the David Suzuki Award. The EARS group has continued with its partnership with the Trillium School Council and has received recognition in the area of innovation for overall improvements to the conservation of the environment.
School Council members in collaboration with the EARS group created an outdoor garden that was transformed into a teaching area. Annually, the Student Council organizes many activities for students including campaigns which support community or global organizations. The presidents of the Student Council try to attend School Council meetings and not only serve as a liaison between the students and the parents, but also work collaboratively to support the goals of the school.